Jun 30, 2020
On this episode of Raising Brave Beauties, Lynn Cowell and I speak with Cindy Bultema and her teen daughter Amanda.
Cindy is the executive director of GEMS Girls' Clubs gemsgc.org, as well as a speaker, author, and Bible teacher. For more information visit cindybultema.com.
We’re talking about:
Jun 23, 2020
Today I wanted to introduce to you the latest season of my podcast, Raising Brave Beauties, with Lynn Cowell! We hope to empower mothers and daughters listening together to find the love and confidence that comes through Christ.
We’re going to cover:
👩🏻🦱 Instilling the values of being a Brave Beauty in...
Jun 23, 2020
This week on Raising Brave Beauties, we’re talking with Lee Nienhuis and her daughter Lexi Beth of leenienhuis.com.
She is the host of Moms in Prayer podcast https://momsinprayer.org/resources/podcast/ and author of Countercultural Parenting: Building Character in a World of Compromise.
We’re talking about: